January 09, 2011

Winter Lip Gloss by Luo Chenchen

Download at Luo chenchen's Blog


  1. She looks like a rabbit... and she probably has brain damage.

  2. Not for me, thanks. I'm not really a fan of the buckteeth/rabbit look. Or any lipstick that has teeth showing.

    i'm sure someone else will love it, though. The lipstick itself looks nice. Just the teeth are off-putting.

  3. It's the eyes... the lifeless eyes... the expression of the dead...

  4. I hate buckteeth, the gloss would have been great without them. And the sims neck looks so wide compared to her face, that makes her look like a man wearinga wig.

  5. I'm glad I don't have lips like that in any season.

  6. The head shape looks like an almond. But it's nice.

  7. Anyone ever see a dog with crooked teeth that snag on their lips and make it look like they're growing, or just odd?

    That's what buckstick reminds me of.

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