September 05, 2009

UPDATE: Raon 69 and 46 by Savio Added

These two havebeen added at Savio's blog - Download them there. Unfortunately, the link for the first one is dead, so check back for an update.... Savio has updated with another link, so it should be fine now.

File names:



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love these! They look so natural. :D
    They're the kind of hairstyles normal people in the real world have, not like some of those fluffy, artificial Peggy hairs.

    Plus, the hair looks pretty high quality. :)

    *waits impatiently*

  3. I can't wait they look awesome.

  4. i like the 2nd one..i'm more used to seeing the 1st one shorter..

  5. What ever happened with the other two Peggy ones he teased a week ago? 4644 and 3900? Were they made available and I missed it or has he pushed those two off to the side to work on these two now? Just curious.

  6. Anon (î), there was too many alpha issues. Besides, the very short one has been already converted by Yagi, iirc, converted at gos.

    I can share first one, but from some angles, you can see a bunch of flaws. :s

  7. Love these Savio. :) Simple, cute, and high quality. Do you take requests? I'd love more converted Raon hairs.

  8. Thank you, lovely hair!!!

  9. The first one was being converted by man wotshisname at netshow for men.

    I want the male version as it looks like my bfs haior! But even babel fish cant make heads nor tails of the download link on his site >.<

  10. Thank you Savio, I'll check it out tonight. I also appreciate your response here considering I didn't ask at your personal blog.

  11. Nice, but the links don't work anymore.

  12. coool! :D can ayone tell me where other clothes are?!
