November 19, 2009

Woodland Fences - Part I by Apple

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only set.


  1. Finally shorter privacy fences!
    I hope someone does shorter chainlink fence too...

    ...gah! Subscription required! :(

  2. apple can go to the fence though ^.^

  3. They'll be available to the general public soon enough via Antonella's blogs. :)

    I am curious though: has anyone tested any custom fences to see if they recolor now that the game allows that?

  4. Heck on the custom fences, only a few of the game ones were designable for me. I do only have a patched base game, guess I will get the rest when I install WA.

  5. Oops forgot what I wanted to post. I hope Wil/Apple will convert some of his half stone wall fences for TS3. I like those more. I like these, but I am not buying Wil's stuff for this game.

  6. These are "woodland" fences? I was expecting a split log-type fence or something.

  7. ^ Maybe "The Woodland" is the name of the housing development these are found on?

    Seriously, though, they look a lot more suburban than "woodland"-like. They are nice fences though. I like a lot of Apple's stuff and it sucks that he's at Thomass' teat.
