Thanks, Mastering:)
Download Peggy FM hair 63
File name: peggyzone-sims3-F-MFhair022-090920_retextured

Download Peggy female hair 84
File name: peggyzone-sims3-F-FAhair028-091009_retextured

Download Raonjena female hair 7
File names:

MissBonBon does it better ;)
ReplyDeletek so I'm loooving the first one and DLing it now. thanksssss
ReplyDeleteI love the first one, but the second one is WAY too shiny. I prefer the original one to avoid all that shine. Definitely downloading the firs one though; thanks evereyone!
^Agreed. The shine doesn't look quite realistic, IMO.
ReplyDeleteOn the second one, has the baldness issue been fixed with that one? IE, a hair cap been put under it? Or do you still get that ginormous bald spot at the top of the head when you zoom out a little?