File name: Bon_Anubis_Agustin_pinnedback
Anubis version here

File name: Bon_Anubis_Nouk_Lithium
Anubis version here

File name: Bon_Anubis_Roan13
Anubis version here

File name: Bon_Anubis_Roan35
Anubis version here

File name: Bon_Anubis_Roan77
Anubis version here

This is fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThey look better now, thanks Bon! :3
ReplyDeleteBut... my Raon13 has been pooklet'd by me :P I think it looks the same XD
^Yeah, Anubis...I don't see the point of retexturing hairs with Pooklet's textures that you'd already retextured using them in the first place.
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ReplyDeleteI like Missbonbon's better. I don't know why, but whenever I download Anubis' retextures, everything is a bit blurry.
ReplyDeleteIf you were a real attorney, you would not be trying to contact the "perpetrators" in this manner.
ReplyDeleteFake attorney is fake.
Not to mention that this is indeed illegal if you are actually an attorney, you're not supposed to contact people like this. It's either:
a) in person
b) correspondence via email or letter
c) telephone call
great retextures, i love them :) and lol @ peggy.
ReplyDeleteAlso, is that shirt/pattern in the game, or is it a CC file?
To the moron who insists upon posting that legal bs in every post:
ReplyDeletePEGGY CANNOT DO A THING ABOUT THIS. Those meshes are not her intellectual property in the first place since she gets them from daz/Poser sites and only modifies them for TS3!
I'm going to have to agree with Epi, I always wait for Missbonbon to update before downloading hairs :p
ReplyDeleteThanks bonbon (= ily!
ugh who cares, the only custom content creator who really has any power over us is EA themselves. Now if THEY dont like it and THEY email the ppl who retexture stuff then we shall heed the warning. If anything i have a friend who said that donation items from custom content creators is Illegal because they call it DONATION, DONATIONS should be COMPLETELY optional and peggyzone is pretty much a store.
ReplyDeleteWe shouldnt HAVE to pay for one hairstyle. Hence the word DONATION and not...peggy STORE for example.
A donation is a gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause.
They look so much better now...
thx i love them.. anubis' textures dont look as nice as those
ReplyDeleteLol'd at Peggy's "Attorney at lol".
ReplyDeleteEpi, I really want to know how my texture looks blurry if I use the max quality I can, and the same textures than Bon uses.
ReplyDeleteIs just like a feedback thing, I'm not intended to be rude or anything :)
I also think it's the way she showcases the textures. ALSO she has a different technique than you I bet. Because you know how she RE-DID some of her hairs? There not the same, there are subtle differences. I did remember bonbon saying that she tries to make the textures less greasy but more fluffy. Overall I prefer Bonbon's, they just look...better.
ReplyDeleteOk, I'll try to improve my textures :) (I think the way she showcases the hairs has some influence as well)
ReplyDeleteIs just that I can find a difference between her Raon13 and mine XD Maybe is just the color she's using, wich looks gorgeous :3
Hi Anubis! The only hair of yours that shows up blurry in my game is your short XM Sims hairstyle; the rest of them look fine. I have no idea why this is, but I figured since it was on-topic at the moment I'd let you know.
ReplyDeleteThese aren't special enough to make me dump all my previous hairstyles and replace 'em. :/ I am a fan of the Pooklet textures though
Anubis, I like your textures :)
ReplyDeleteOk, thanks for the feedback ^-^
ReplyDeleteI really recommend Nouk's and Raon35 retextures if you have those hairs ;)
There isn't much of a difference between Anubis's textures and mine. The main difference is his has a more contrasting shine than mine, and sometimes his shine is put on awkward places on the hairs. That's all.
ReplyDeleteI mainly redo them because I can see the subtle differences and I like conformity. :)
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ReplyDeleteUm, these hairs are not by Peggy. They are by Nouk (who retired), Roanjena, and Agustin. Peggy isn't even mentioned in this post.
ReplyDeleteOne time I saw Peggy carrying an entire meth lab in her purse and the doorman just sort of laughed then went about his business before she made eye contact and latched onto his wallet like a lamprey. (That's how she feeds.)
ReplyDeleteUGH. This spammer is making me want to collect and fucking distribute pay Peggy hairs myself.
ReplyDeleteGo. Away.
I seriously LOL'd at their stupidity of publishing an e-mail on a blog. If they are for real, I'm sure they are now on plenty of other spammers' e-mail lists.
ReplyDeleteIF they are for real, that's a real laugh. A Chinese law firm going on about copyright infringement? Please, don't make me laugh. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Plenty of people here in the US, my own family included, are having their livelihoods eaten away by piracy and infringement originating from the good citizens of China. When they try to seek relief the response they get is Chinese citizens can do whatever they want with whatever our citizens produce because they are within their own laws to do so and beyond the reach of ours. It's like having your crops eaten by locusts, one little munch at a time.
ReplyDeleteIF this is for real, all I can say is Fuck you, lawlers. I can read whatever forums I want, post on whatever blogs I want and unless you are the owner of this site and the owner of this blog your disclaimer doesn't mean jack crap and I am NOT agreeing to anything, implied or otherwise, so fuck off!
And from a moral and ethical perspective, all I can say is that someone who has used tools provided by developers for free, with the understanding that the end products created from those tools would also be distributed freely, doesn't have a leg to stand on. You do that, then all you deserve from the community you purport to "serve" is a hearty "ARR you very much, bitch."
You want money, get a fucking real job, and stop threatening and harrassing people and leeching off the work of people who give freely and generously to the community. That's little different from the "theft" you are accusing others of.
Anon said "Also, is that shirt/pattern in the game, or is it a CC file?"
ReplyDeleteThe outfit is by Poppy Sims and the pattern is EA store Mod Squares.
I love MissBonBon's textures and will take out the original and replace them without hesitation. Thank so much for sharing them.
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ReplyDeleteAnubis- I have no idea. Don't get me wrong, I love what you do, but for some reason the hair layers just blend together. Don't ask me why. I don't know the first thing about that sort of thing. I find it tragic because it makes me second guess if I should download a lot of your hairs. I suck it up most of the time, but I get excited when someone else re-textures. I have practically all your other stuff though. ;)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I didn't mean for it to sound like an attack or anything.
You go Missbonbon!!!
ReplyDeleteGood grief, what got into me, I apologize for my foul language. I just hate bullies, especially bullies who threaten people with lawsuits, and I hate the way some paysite players have become big bullies and hypocrites--not saying for sure Peggy did or didn't do this. I have a hard time believing that drivel came from Peggy's site. But anyway, enough other big paysites do act this way so that's enough to set my teeth on edge. Do feel free and delete my earlier rant.
ReplyDeleteThe hairs look pretty. I prefer Anubis textures for some styles and MissBonBon's for some of the others. I think generally I give the nod to Anubis for the wavy styles and Miss Bonbon for the very straight styles. I'm glad we have a choice. They both do a good job solving issues with the hairs as originally issued.