November 17, 2010

New Residential Lot by Amy

More pictures and download at Amy's Dream Garden



    ^ Does anyone know where that wall is from?. It's really interesting looking.

    Nice lot, won't be downloading since it's pretty CC heavy and no list for any of it.

  2. wauw! it's perfect.

  3. Vraiment magnifique ! La première photo semble réelle, c'est impressionnant.
    Bravo !

  4. ^ Yeah none of these replies are helping me find that wall!

  5. very pretty presentation but would have been nice if it had a cc free version to dl


  7. lol that's the link for the wall

  8. Why are lots featured if they have no custom content list? Aside from being disrespectful to the creators, people need to have a list of custom content so they could know if something is potentially game-borking or not and then they could avoid downloading the house and/or installing the faulty piece of CC. Also, if it's not in sims3pack format, it will never look like the pictures if you don't know where to find and download the CC.

    Also, isn't this the person whose houses never end up extracting correctly for several people?

  9. waiiiiiit. where is that bedset from. /eyes carefully

  10. @Friday: The bed itself is from a Stylist Sims donation set, and the pillows are from a TSR set by Pilar. Not sure where the cover is from...

  11. Does anyone know where that awesome backdrop decor behind the bed is from?

  12. I fell in love with this house but when I went to download, it wouldn't install. It wont go into the launcher and I tried each file from each hosting site. Anyone know how to get the house to install?

  13. Great house, but too much CC and no list. There's no way I'm installing it just to have my game borked by some bad CC, like it has happened before.

  14. Basic box adorned with Placefriezes on and stuffed with CC to sell to the excited kiddies. Pass.

  15. The download is only 8MB so there isn't that much CC included. I did a test install ( took out my current DCCache folder before installing). There was only about 20 pieces include - mostly textures.

  16. to anon: really?

    no wonder it was looking familiar, but then again i hardly ever use ss's stuff (the overall texture of their furniture really pisses me off to no end). thank you!

  17. Yes, not much CC's are include... So, almost everything in that house is in .package and house surelly wouldn't be in the game like at the pictures.

  18. the CC's its included. He has two option, one to download only the house and other to download the house and CC.

  19. CC overload... empty house - for what? pointless

  20. It's nice, no doubt, but I also recognize a bunch of tsr sub stuff. NEXT!

  21. "The download is only 8MB so there isn't that much CC included. I did a test install ( took out my current DCCache folder before installing). There was only about 20 pieces include - mostly textures."

    Which version did you click on? The link I saw was 29.41 MB with the custom content included!

  22. "Does anyone know where that awesome backdrop decor behind the bed is from?"

    It looks like some kind of window? Regardless, I love it and would like to know, too.

  23. There are 2 downloads one about 8MB (the lot file +plus textures + non legit EA Store files) and one about 29MB (CC in package form - including stuff extracted from sims3packs)

  24. Downloaded and tried both versions but the sims 3 content will not install

  25. Does anyone know where the table with tablecloth in picture 7 is from?
