OK, some of you could not find the free stuff in the update link to the right, so here are the direct links.
Anyway, while on the whole store/EA/Launcher type thing...I just really wanted to complain about the launcher for a second. After installing HELS, my game went a little crazy again, so I ended up uninstalling everything and starting over. I did save all of my families to the bin, so it wasn't so bad. And I did want a new neighborhood anyway. What is bad is the launcher. I'm completely up to date with the patches and EVERYTHING is running super-smoothly, all but the launcher, that is. If I dare try uninstalling ANYTHING, the launcher just keeps scrolling down, until I get the "launcher has stopped" whatever-ing. So, basically, I'm stuck with everything I don't want anymore. I will say that my game saves in seconds now instead of minutes, and my game load time is super-quick, but that could be the new computer. That's about it:)
Click the pictures to go to the download page:)