July 19, 2010

Jynx's Rabbit Holes Rugs for Residential Lots by Winterhart

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. okay, i think i have an understanding of what rabbit holes are but i wanted to know, what is it the sims do once they are inside these buildings at school or work?

    do they just simply stand there or vanish or what?

  2. Technically they're doing whatever that rabbit hole details but I guess they're really just vanishing.

    I guess these are for home business?

  3. Could be unseful. Downloaded ^^

  4. Having the Criminal Hideout in a houses basement/attic makes sense to me.

  5. ^ I agree. I was hoping someone would give an example of what they were going to use them for. I was thinking of how back in the day people would live above or below their business (I think sweeny todd does it but I'm not sure :))

  6. this'd be good for fake homeschooling :) thanks.
